Amazon Server OutageAmazon Server Outage

On Tuesday afternoon, Amazon Web Services (AWS) suffered a major server outage that affected several major websites, the outage lasted about two hours.

The AWS health dashboard indicated that an issue with capacity management caused errors directly for customers and was traced back to its Lambda subsystem responsible for running computer programs without underlying server management.

Amazon Server Outage Consequences

The widespread impact affected many sites across the internet, including media news outlets like The Associated Press and Boston Globe as well as apps like McDonalds, Burger King and Taco Bell‘s food orders.

Other companies such as Nike, Hulu, DoorDash and Delta also experienced disruptions during this incident according to Downdetector – a site monitoring website crashes. In December 2021 too, there was another similar outage hit AWS just in time when Amazon shoppers were gearing up their Christmas purchases.

Amazon Server Outage

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